Cuyabeno Reservation: Packaging Design

Creating a Memorable Souvenir of Ecuador's Cultural and Ecological Heritage

Michelle Rivadeneira's design captures the essence of the Cofan people and the biodiversity of the Cuyabeno Reservation through a unique packaging design.

Michelle Rivadeneira, a talented designer, has created a remarkable packaging design for the Cuyabeno Reservation in Ecuador. This design aims to provide foreign visitors with more than just a souvenir; it represents the cultural aspects of Ecuador, specifically the indigenous group known as the Cofan. Inspired by the vibrant colors and feathers used in the Cofan people's traditional clothing, this packaging design is a visual representation of their rich heritage.

The Cuyabeno Reservation, located in the Sucumbios Province of Ecuador, is the second-largest reserve in the country. It is home to diverse flora and fauna, making it a significant ecological treasure. Michelle Rivadeneira's design captures the essence of this biodiversity and the Cofan culture, allowing visitors to take a piece of this unique experience home with them.

The packaging design is made from eco-friendly and durable craft paper, ensuring that it is not only visually appealing but also functional. It can be adapted to various sizes, from shopping bags to tiny boxes, providing flexibility for different types of souvenirs.

Foreign visitors to the Cuyabeno Reservation can purchase these souvenirs, which visually and superficially represent the Cofan culture. This design serves as a lasting memory of their visit to Ecuador, reminding them of the vibrant culture and ecological wonders they experienced.

Michelle Rivadeneira's design project started in 2017 and was completed in the same year in Ecuador. The challenges faced during the creative process included creating a memorable icon that encapsulated Ecuador's biodiversity and culture for foreign visitors. Through meticulous research and attention to detail, Rivadeneira successfully overcame these challenges, resulting in an award-winning design.

This packaging design has received recognition and accolades, including the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in 2019. This award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. Michelle Rivadeneira's design stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to a better world.

Michelle Rivadeneira's packaging design for the Cuyabeno Reservation is more than just a souvenir; it is a representation of Ecuador's cultural and ecological heritage. By combining elements of the Cofan culture and the biodiversity of the Cuyabeno Reservation, this design creates a lasting memory for visitors, allowing them to cherish their experience in Ecuador for years to come.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Michelle Rivadeneira
Image Credits: Michelle Rivadeneira
Project Team Members: Michelle Rivadeneira
Project Name: Cuyabeno Reservation
Project Client: Michelle Rivadeneira

Cuyabeno Reservation IMG #2
Cuyabeno Reservation IMG #3
Cuyabeno Reservation IMG #4
Cuyabeno Reservation IMG #5
Cuyabeno Reservation IMG #5

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